Monday, February 9, 2009


Hi. I'm Mike Zavirofski, CEO of Nortel. In recent weeks you might have read some negative media coverage about Nortel. The newspapers, TV and radio have all been providing an unduly negative impression of Nortel and our prospects for growth. I want to set the record straight, by being open and transparent in a transparently open way, about what we are doing to turn Nortel around.

I know that a few of our employees might have some concerns after reading these negative reports. Indeed I have even been told that there are some employees blogging on the Interweb. One even compared me to Hitler. This is deeply hurtful, and unjustified. Hitler never had a five year turnaround plan, although he did achieve good market share in his day.

Anyway, if they can have blogs, then so can I. Indeed it might be said that Nortel invented the blog. Our CTO John Roese had a blog, I am told. I hear stories like this from my employees everyday and it's this kind of finger on the pulse that enables me to lead Nortel into the bright future we all have together.

So this blog will set the record straight about Nortel and about what a fantastic company it is to work for, to partner with, and by which to be owed money. I look forward to sharing our success stories, our exciting plans for the future and our strategies to build this already great company into an even greater one.

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