Thursday, February 26, 2009


Well, this next post is a little delicate, but it seems as though an over zealous HR lackey has accidentally fired my blogging editor, who takes my Great Thoughts and has been transcribing them onto the web for you, my loyal Team Nortel.

So it looks as though Fake Mike Z may not have full access to all the inside goings on at Nortel. Perhaps some loyal employees would like to help out with this one - you can forward your correspondence to, no questions asked, or leave a comment on this thread. Suggest a topic, ask a question, keep us informed. After all, I'll have more time to blog now!


  1. Congratulations to your editor for being set free by the ZMan. ZMan is on a mission to set as many minds free to do whatever they enjoy - as opposed to the mundane tasks of building, selling and supporting products that nobody wants. ZMan is the Liberator!

    Hail Zman!

  2. Congrats to your editor. He'll be a happy person now.

  3. Are there any readers of this Fake Mike Z website who are terminated Nortel employees, who wish to have representation in the Nortel Canadian Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act Proceedings that will fight vigorously using all the tools available under CCAA in the courtroom and other strategies outside of the court to have your termination payments, severance payments and other amounts due to you paid in full? If so e-mail me at

    We have recently won a $190 million full cash settlement for 1,770 families owning Non Bank Asset Backed Commercial Paper, the only group of owners who did so in Canada’s largest CCAA proceeding that restructured $32 billion of credit in 20 Non Bank ABCP trusts.

    When you e-mail me, I can provide more details about our plan.
